Days before our 25th wedding anniversary, I thought of posting a verse daily for at least three days until the day itself, but I wasn't able to execute my plan, though I managed to post this verse on my Facebook wall two days prior, "I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him." Ecclesiastes 3:14 As usual, I went home tired from work and didn't have time to think about the planned anniversary posts anymore. To my surprise, my husband posted this photo to celebrate the day even while he was away at work. The caption says, " September 2, 1989: 25 years with the woman who stood with me and by me. Silver! " Would you believe that we got married with me having a lateral fracture on my.... oh no, how could I forget which foot now? Yes, I was actually limping during the wedding march that I had to whisper to my father to walk very, very ...