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Showing posts with the label alugbati salad

Ensaladang Alugbati (Malabar Spinach Salad)

This post appeared in my Facebook memories today. I'm glad it did! I featured this salad in my FB page a year ago.  Alugbati  (Malabar Spinach)  Salad (Ensaladang Alugbati). This came up when I received for the first time this bouquet of alugbati from Erik, my officemate. He shares with us fruits and veggies fresh from his garden. 

Treasures from the Closet

It's several weeks past Easter. I remember how I managed to do last minute cramming just to do a few "S" at home... my strategy to appease my husband who was starting to show signs of (okay, you could make your own guess... clue: there were clutters invading his study table which have accumulated through time).  I wasn't able to complete the 5S (the Japanese method of workplace organization: seiri for sort , seiton for set in order, seiso for shine, seiketsu for standardize, and shitsuke for sustain). Completing all 5S's was just not feasible for me at that time :( But then, at least, I was able to fill one XL black trash bag with garbage and I was able to sort out the yarns in my stash boxes!!! What an extraordinary accomplishment! :)) While putting away some dusty old magazines and nursing journals, I found Health and Lifestyle December 2009-January 2010 issue. The cover read "Medical Advancements: Audiology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Oph...