It's several weeks past Easter. I remember how I managed to do last minute cramming just to do a few "S" at home... my strategy to appease my husband who was starting to show signs of (okay, you could make your own guess... clue: there were clutters invading his study table which have accumulated through time). I wasn't able to complete the 5S (the Japanese method of workplace organization: seiri for sort , seiton for set in order, seiso for shine, seiketsu for standardize, and shitsuke for sustain). Completing all 5S's was just not feasible for me at that time :( But then, at least, I was able to fill one XL black trash bag with garbage and I was able to sort out the yarns in my stash boxes!!! What an extraordinary accomplishment! :)) While putting away some dusty old magazines and nursing journals, I found Health and Lifestyle December 2009-January 2010 issue. The cover read "Medical Advancements: Audiology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Oph...