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Showing posts with the label Molo Soup

Resolution or Confession?

While many of you might have written down a list of resolutions for the new year, here I am, beginning the year with a confession to make.  I haven't done much blogging these days months. I know, I know, I've been missing so much --- craft and recipe ideas from not attending link parties, blog hops and worse, for not regularly checking my own blogger dashboard. Guilty me!!! Well, I realized that when I browsed over my dashboard and saw all my unfinished posts. Let me see if I can count them with my fingers!?? My picture files are a mess! But good that I was able to clear my desktop a few months ago! Good job, eh? Give me a pat on my back!!!  In my previous post, I mentioned about having two days left before going back to work. That simply means I have to hurry and finish all the pending chores... keeping my fingers crossed, though. Now, what do I do next? Hmmm... let me see? First things first--- finish this post! Yeah, good answer, that's right, finish this pos...