Happy Sunday to all! What's so special about this Sunday? Well, my husband and I are celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary today and that makes today a special day! Today also, I baked bread for the Lord's Table which we celebrate every first Sunday of the month in our church. In baking the bread, I use the recipe in making pie crust. So I prepared extra ingredients for the Vegetable Pastel I had in mind. It has been quite some time since I last cooked this menu. The first time I did, I remember my family and friends liked it. So Vegetable Pastel here I come! Remember one of my posts in July entitled, " Stories from the Cupboard: Feature No. 1 --- My Kitchenmates " (click here to view post). In that post, I featured about some of my favorite recipes using Del Monte Kitchenomics. Vegetable Pastel is one of the recipes of Del MonteKitchenomics . This is the original Vegetable Pastel recipe of Del Monte Kitchenomics . Ingredients: 20 g (20 ...