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Labor of Love

Wohoho! What could be better than enjoying a mid-week relaxation!  As Labor Day is a global event, I bet, you and I are celebrating something in common... today's holiday!?? The "how" may differ though. 

Well, today, I remember someone who is celebrating her birthday. That's Lilibeth, a former colleague of mine. Beth, as she is known to friends, has left our country to work in the U.S.A. late last year (2012). Before she left, we gave her a Despedida (Farewell) Party. 

Here are some photos taken during the party where we gave her some gifts she could bring along to the U.S.. 
Beth seated on her throne during the Farewell Party

We gave Beth a scrapbook where everybody wrote messages for her
Beth and us, her family at the workplace!!
We gave her a cute Hello Kitty bag (sorry Beth, there was no photo taken) and two pieces of neck warmers. Here are the neck warmers I crocheted for her. 
First,  the Butternut Squash Neckwarmer (left). Inspired by Jennifer Dickerson's original work at Fiber Flux... Adventures in Stitching, I made this minus the two buttons indicated in the pattern. 
The Butternut Squash Neckwarmer I made using Jennifer Dickerson's pattern
I didn't have time to buy buttons in time for the party but I found a bracelet and a pin which I thought could replace the buttons.  Since I couldn't decide which of the two (the bracelet or the pin) would be the best substitute, I gave both to her. See how perfectly they match the color of the yarn?
For this neckwarmer, I used one whole skein given by Aunt Marly. I enjoyed making this all the way. It was my first time to use this pattern and I just found it very easy to follow. I mentioned this in my previous post, A Hug to Inspire.

Beth likes green so here's how the second neckwarmer looks on her. Made of variegated rainbow yarn with different shades of green.
See how she converted the neckwarmer into a head/earwarmer, which she said she "truly likes"! Perfect for the winter season!

I'm supposed to feature this second warmer in another post but I couldn't find the link that leads to the original pattern anymore! :( I'm very, very sorry! This one was also very simple and easy to make. I feel a very strong urge to continue searching for the pattern. Once I find it, I won't fail link back to the original source.

Au revoir, Beth! Enjoy your special day today! Best birthday ever?!!!! Miss you!
Linking to:
Life on Lakeshore DriveWeekend Bloggy Reading


  1. Replies
    1. It's a joy to join the trip! Thank you for giving me the ticket!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a great party and what nice crocheted gifts! You are a kind friend.

    1. Thank you, Astri :) Beth is a colleague-turn-friend and we've worked together for almost 10 years!

  4. Your friend Beth is blessed to have you guys as a friend. May she find fulfillment and happiness working here in the US of A. I would love to have these hand crafted gifts from you too hihi.
    Have a great day!

    1. It would be an honor to crochet something for you, Malou! Hmmm... makes me think! :)

  5. Thanks for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Join us at 8:00PM tonight for this weeks party.
    Debi and Charly

  6. Thanks for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Join us at 8:00PM tonight for this weeks party.
    Debi and Charly


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