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The Making of Dory Float Fries

Last Sunday, I played connoisseur of recycling left-overs. I just had a simple plan of preparing a dish for the dory I bought the previous day, but opening the ref and seeing some left-over  lumpia wrappers, several pieces of overripe saba, bell peppers, small sachets of tomato ketchup from food chains and a bottle of Paradise Mango Rum Liqueur challenged me into concocting a new dish.
By the way, the Paradise Mango Rum Liqueur was brought home by my youngest daughter, Ana Cristina, as a winning prize in a raffle contest last December. I've been using it as marinade in some dishes.

Back to my concoction... I call it Dory Float Fries because while placing slices of dory into crispy pieces of lumpia wrappers which I fried in a stainless pan, it seemed like I was playing with paper sail boats. 

Here's how I did it.

6 pcs Dory, sliced into 2-inch squares per piece
3 pcs calamansi, juiced (lemon may be used)
1 thumb-sized ginger, sliced thinly and minced
Salt, ground pepper, cumin, curry powder
4 pcs saba banana, cut diagonally into 3-4 slices per piece
Large lumpia wrapper, quartered


1 medium white onion, sliced
1 large tomato, sliced
1 small green bell pepper, diced
1/3 cup Paradise Mango Rum Liqueur
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsps tomato ketchup
Marinade used for the dory slices
1 tbsp green onions

1. Marinate dory in calamansi juice, ginger, salt, ground pepper, cumin and curry powder. Set aside for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Fry banana in oil until golden brown. Remove from oil. Drain on paper towel. Set aside.
With saba as side dish. Oh, how I love overripe saba!
3. Using the same pan, fry dory slices for 2 minutes. Turn each piece one by one and fry for another 2 minutes. Remove from pan.
4. Prepare sauce-toppings.
5. Place one slice of fried dory into each quartered piece of lumpia wrapper.
6. Fry in a stainless pan until lumpia wrapper becomes crispy.
7. Place sauce-toppings over the fish and serve with fried banana slices as side dish.

Prepare sauce-toppings:
  1. In the same pan used for frying the fish, sauté onion and tomato. If there's left-over oil from frying the fish, there's no need to add oil anymore.
  2. Add bell pepper, Mango Rum, brown sugar, ketchup and fish marinade. Simmer for 1 minute.
  3. Sprinkle green onions on top.
Surprisingly, this new dish became a hit for the whole family for Billy (my husband), Ayana Grace (eldest daughter) and Ana Cristina (youngest daughter)! I was so elated, they just didn't know how I tried to contain my excitement seeing how they liked the dish! The spices in the fish marinade perfectly blended with the sweetness of the sauce-toppings. I can do this again and again! 

By the way, this dish  is Garden Chef's 7th participating recipe at Petitchef

Enjoy the rest of the week! 
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  1. Now that looks delicious....really delicious.

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    1. Thank you for dropping by and for following me. Will see you at your site!

  2. Found you through Sew Many Ways Find a Friend Friday. Love your blog!

    I would love for you to share and link up at my TGIF Link Party.

    Hugs, Cathy

    1. Thank you, Cathy! Would love to join your link party! See you there!

  3. I just came over to say Happy Mother's Day! I hope you get to indulge and enjoy...

    1. Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Malou! I would love to try your Deko Fondue! I wish you were my neighbor so you could knock on our door to share a plate. :))

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for dropping by. Hope to see you back!

  5. Thanks for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Join us at 8:00PM tonight for this weeks party.
    Debi and Charly

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    1. Thank you so much! That would be great! :) Will see you there!

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    1. Thank you for dropping by and inviting me. Will see you there!


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